I need to leave my project overnight. How do I do this?
If the project is smaller than a pizza box:
Fill out a parking permit card with:
- your first and last name
- phone number,
- email address,
- description of the project
- when/how it can be safely moved
- when you will be back to retrieve it (no later than 72 hours)
Leave the parking permit card attached to your project. Leave the project in an unobtrusive location, such as one of the round tables in the classroom area.
If the project is larger than a pizza box:
Get prior approval (in person, via email, or on Slack)from one of the following:
- the operations manager
- an area captain
- a board member
Fill out a parking permit card with the information above, along with the name of the person who approved your permit.
Visibly attach the permit to your project and place the project in the parking lot (back corner behind the bathroom and cleaning closet).
Any projects left for more than 72 hours will be placed in locked storage until the owner contacts the operations manager. Any projects left for more than a month are subject to appropriation by the Makerspace, and will be disposed of in whatever manner seen fit by the operations manager.