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Primary Rules

1. Electronics Area tools will remain in the Electronics Area. Tools moved to other areas in the Makerspace should be returned as soon as possible.  Leave note if tool is to be used elsewhere for more than a few minutes.  Members expect tools to be their right places when they come in to use the Electronics Area. 

2. Do NOT take Electronics Area tools home or other places outside of the MakerSpace.  

3. Do NOT let your device rest on the anti-static mat while soldering in such acway as to melt or damage the mat. Use one of the various clamp tools for holding your project piece while soldering. Do not let solder drip on to the mat.  The anti-static mat is a tool meant to protect your MOSFET devices from static discharge. 

4. Items on the rolling cart (The Little Free Radio Shack) are FREE to MEMBERS and VOLUNTEERS.  Take a part, leave a part.  Feel free to take them temporarily and "donate" them back later.  If uncertain where an item should go, place it in any bin marked "SORT."

5. Workspace in the electronics area is currently first-come, first served.  Please share.

6.  Clean up your mess!  Return ALL tools to their proper places even if you didn'tuse it. If you do not know where it should go, place it in the box designated .

7.  Make sure soldering irons are turned off!  (Even if you didn't turn any on!) 

8.  All questions should be directed to the area Tool Champion:

Jim Gagnon    [email protected]  

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